David and Siân are adopting a baby girl!
Over the coming weeks David and Siân will be welcoming a baby girl into their little family. There are a few unknowns for us and so we won’t be having a baby shower but instead we have created this webpage to explain what support we would appreciate!
The Unknowns...?
- She is already in foster care and we don’t know what clothing or equipment she may be coming with
- We don’t know her size clothing- we have her age but that doesn’t always help with size of clothing.
- This is our first baby so we are starting from scratch (that is a known)

How we got here...
Since January our lives have been filled with training, paperwork, assessments and social workers. It hasn’t been easy but we know it will be so worth it.
In October a panel of 13 people judged us suitable as adopters and we were approved to be adopters. Two weeks later we were told about a baby girl...
As you can imagine this has been quite a rollercoaster and until we bring her home anything could happen.

What we would appreciate from you (if you are so inclined)
- The most helpful gift right now would be money- we do have a list of things to buy but are unsure what exactly we need
- Local folk are welcome to bring food and treats.
- Prayers of support
David wrote this web page in the space of about one hour - please do not judge me on it. I was never a website designer.
Built with Bootstrap, obviously.